Domino Data Lab


Domino Data Lab offers a seamless end to end data science process that combines agile discovery and experimentation with deployment of models in production – all in one place. With the ability to connect to a version control system like Bitbucket to track changes, spin up interactive workspaces of different sizes to explore data, and manage model deployment and APIs all from the same interface, Domino makes it easy for teams of any size to work together productively.

A domino is a small flat rectangular block used as a gaming object. Also known as bones, cards, men, pieces or tiles, dominoes are normally twice as long as they are wide and feature a line in the middle to divide them visually into two equal squares called ends. Each end is marked with a value, normally from six pips down to none or blank. Each domino is able to “fall” over itself, but can also cause other pieces to fall as the result of a chain reaction, often to a predetermined point.

The most popular game of domino consists of players taking turns placing a tile onto the table and positioning it so that both ends show a number of pips matching the value on the previous domino. If a player is unable to play a tile, he or she “knocks” the table and play passes to the next player. Play continues until either a player wins by playing all of his or her dominoes, or the entire set has been exhausted.

When a domino is flipped, much of its potential energy converts to kinetic energy, the energy of motion, and some of that kinetic energy travels to the next domino. This pushes the next domino over, and so on in a continuing chain reaction. Similarly, a story that has many scenes, each advancing the hero closer to or farther from his goal, needs to be well spaced. Too many scenes can overwhelm readers and make them lose interest, but too few may make the hero seem weak or unfocused.

In addition to being a great way to pass the time, domino can teach us a lot about how stories work. For example, a domino effect is a common motif in drama where an event has far-reaching consequences. Think about the last time you watched a movie in which a seemingly small action caused other events to unfold, such as the hero’s family being torn apart or an accident that causes the hero to reconsider his career plans.

What happened in each of these cases? In each scene, the hero’s actions were similar to a domino: a single event triggered by an action that had even more impact than it might have seemed at first glance. This is the principle of the domino effect and it can help you create a more compelling plot for your novel. Whether you are a pantser who composes your manuscript off the cuff, or a planner who uses Scrivener to assemble a detailed outline of your story, the domino effect can guide your writing and keep your narrative flowing with logical momentum.