Domino’s Pizza and More Than Just a Game

Dominator, or domino, is a small, flat rectangular block used as the base of a gaming piece in a variety of games. A domino is typically twice as long as it is wide and features a line in the middle to divide it visually into two squares with values on each end, or “pips”. Each side of a domino is numbered. The number of pips on one end determines the value of that domino relative to other pieces in a game.

When the first domino is tipped over, it releases potential energy into its surroundings, which causes other dominoes to fall. This chain reaction is what makes the game so exciting. It’s a good metaphor for the way high leverage actions can create dramatic effects when they are triggered by other low-cost, easy-to-do activities. These actions are also known as domino actions, or trigger events. The concept is akin to coding scripts, where one command is followed by a series of subsequent commands.

Domino is a popular game among kids, but it can be just as enjoyable for adults as well. In fact, many people play dominoes as a way to unwind at the end of a busy day. The game can be played by as few as two people or as many as hundreds. Dominoes are often arranged in intricate shapes, and it’s common to see them displayed in public buildings such as museums or government offices.

The company Domino’s is named after the famous game, but the company is more than just pizza. They have a strong culture of employee engagement, and their leadership practices have been featured on the hit TV show Undercover Boss. Domino’s CEO Don Meij, for example, sends the company’s top managers to work in several of their restaurants and even their delivery services to learn how the employees perform and what they need to improve.

In this episode, Meij shows that he really cares about Domino’s and its employees by listening to them and acting on their feedback. This demonstrates that the company really lives up to its core values, including Champion Our Customers, which means that the company takes seriously what their customers have to say.

As a result, Domino’s is a great example of how a corporation can use its values as an organizational tool.

When Hevesh sets up her mind-blowing domino creations, she uses a similar process to engineer the design. She starts by considering the theme or purpose of an installation, and then brainstorms images or words that might convey the desired message. She then applies this information to a piece of paper so she can plan the best route for her dominoes to take. Finally, she outlines how her dominoes will fit together, and then she begins construction. Once she is done, her creations are a feast for the eyes. Just like a chain reaction of dominoes, a well-written story should build smoothly to its big climax.