Domino is a tile-based game that can be played with two or more players. Each domino has a side that bears an arrangement of spots, or pips, that indicates its value. The other side is blank or identically patterned.
Dominoes are normally twice as long as they are wide, making them easy to stack. They can be used to build horizontal lines or curved ones, 2D patterns that form pictures, or even 3D structures like towers and pyramids. Many people enjoy using them to make art, and there are even professional domino artists who create elaborate displays for movies, TV shows, and events.
The name “domino” comes from an Italian word meaning “little mountain,” a reference to their shape. The word may have been derived from an earlier word that meant a hooded cape worn with a mask during carnival season or at a masquerade. In either case, the earliest sense of the word may have been a figurative one, referring to a domino that contrasts with a priest’s white surplice.
In a domino game, each player draws tiles from a deck. The first player (determined by drawing lots or by whoever holds the heaviest hand) places one of his dominoes on the table, and then each subsequent player places a new tile adjacent to it so that its values match a value already established in the previous tile. For example, if the initial domino is a double-six, the next player will play a double-six or a six, depending on rules agreed to in advance.
Most domino games have scoring systems that determine a winner by awarding points to the player who matches the most total of opposing player’s tiles, or blocks them. Often, the number of matching pairs of tiles is limited to a set, but there are also a variety of other scoring options. For example, doubles may count as one or two (and sometimes both), while blanks typically count as zero.
As the first domino falls, much of its potential energy converts to kinetic energy, which causes it to move and knock down other dominoes. Eventually, the entire chain will fall. The domino effect is similar to the well-known concept of a butterfly effect, whereby a change in one behavior triggers a shift in related behaviors, like less sedentary leisure time and better nutrition.
Domino’s strategy of focusing on efficiency and fast delivery has been effective, but the company’s focus on improving recipes and expanding its menu has allowed it to keep pace with competitors, as well. In addition, Domino’s emphasis on technology has enabled it to stay on the forefront of new ways for customers to order pizzas. Among these is its new way to allow people to order through a text or Amazon Echo. The company also has a strong commitment to human resources practices. Its quota system helps to ensure that all outlets are successful and profitable, and that the company is on track for its growth targets.